None of us can forget that first time we were able to ride our bike, and the breeze of wind that seemed to flow in harmony with our movement. Dubai CITI people, you may be thinking that we are going to direct you to just another bike shop around Dubai, you know with those mountain bikes and like scale bikes etc… You think, we thank you don’t have a bike, and we could provide you guys a little tip to help you on your journey to get the most perfect bike in Dubai so that you can shine whilst you ride! So how can you ride in style whilst you take advantage of the upcoming beautiful weather?
We discovered a true gem in Dubai and would love to share it with you…. Today you can own your own charicycles! Yep you got that right, a CHAIRCYCLE! This ingenious home-grown brand has been selling these customizable, beautiful bikes and it works like this – they basically up cycle vintage bicycles, so they get old frames that are about to be scrapped and instead of scraping them and adding more waste to the environment – they upcycle them giving them a new heartbeat, new colors.
The business is a for-profit, social – the more they sell the more they give back! For every 5 bicycles we buy, they donate a bicycle to a child at a refugee camp in the middle east. If there one thing child’s love more than a genuine hug from loved ones in such troubling times, it is getting on a new bike and getting back that sense of freedom ad childhood every human deserves. The vision is to see a Charicycle in every city around the world.
The next time you are thinking about making the quick trip to the grocery store or to the neighbors’ home, do it in authentic style with your own Chaircycle. Its not only so easy to hop on, you can enjoy the feeling of personal style and the ethos of goodness as you ride along! Enjoy!
Customize your own bike: